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报告人:Marco Carugi


报告时间:2023年6月13日 14:00-15:30






Marco Carugi - Senior Consultant, Advanced ICTs and Standardization, Huawei Technologies contractor

The main technical areas of Marco’s current involvement include IoT and Smart Cites, Future Networks incl. IMT-2020/5G and Network 2030, AI/ML and Autonomous Networks.

Marco has professional experience in R&D and technology strategy, and he has worked in different roles in Solvay group, Orange Labs, Nortel Networks CTO division, ZTE R&D Technology Strategy.

He has been engaged in consultancy activities with various customers, including NEC (2015-2018), Huawei Research & Standards (Oct 2018-present).

He is active in standardization since long time, including ETSI (TISPAN), ITU-T (different SGs and FGs), IETF and other SDOs on an ad-hoc basis such as 3GPP (SA1), ATM/MPLS Forum, IEEE 802.1. He has led standards specifications in different domains (NGN, IoT/M2M and Digital Twins, Big Data, IMT2020 and Network 2030, AI/ML in networks) and held numerous leadership positions in standardization.

In the current ITU-T study period (2022-202, Marco serves as Rapporteur for Q20/13 (“Networks beyond IMT-2020 and Machine Learning: Requirements and Architecture”), Rapporteur for Q2/20 (“Requirements, capabilities and architectural frameworks across verticals enhanced by emerging digital technologies”) and Mentor of ITU-T SG20 [he is actually acting as Mentor of ITU-T SG20 since the SG20 creation in 2015, and has been Mentor of ITU-T SG13 for more than 7 years].

Among other current activities within ITU-T, he is one of the expert team members of the IEC-ISO-ITU Joint Smart Cities Task Force, acts as Vice-Chair of the ITU-T Joint Coordination Activity on Machine Learning (JCA-ML) and as co-convenor of the SG13 Correspondence Group on “Datasets applicable for AI/ML in networks”, participates in TSAG and in the ITU-T Focus Groups on Autonomous Networks and AI for Digital Agriculture, and since several years plays the role of SG20 Liaison Officer to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41 (IoT and Digital Twins).

Over the most recent years, he was Champion of the Use Case Analysis and Requirements deliverable within the Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities and Communities (2017-2019), as well as editor and leader of the Working Group on Use Cases and Requirements within the ITU-T Focus Group on Technologies for Network 2030 (2018-2020).

In the European context, he serves since various years as the leader of the High Level Architecture subgroup within the Standardization Working Group of the European-centric Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation (AIOTI) and regularly participates in EU workshops on IoT and Data (EU IoT Week, EU-AIOTI, others) as ITU-T and/or AIOTI representative. In 2018 he acted as Rapporteur and Editor of the Final Report for the European Commission in the joint MSP/DEI WG on Standardisation in support of Digitising European Industry.

Marco is a regular speaker in international and regional ICT workshops and conferences, and member of organizing committees. He is author of standards specifications, papers, articles (IEEE magazines, Kaleidoscope 2021), co-author of the IoT European Research Cluster yearly books.

Marco holds an Electronic Engineering degree in Telecommunications from University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy), a M.S. in Engineering and Management of Telecommunication Networks from National Institute of Telecommunications (Evry, France), a Master in International Business Development from ESSEC Business School (Paris, France), and has completed an Executive Program on Big Data Science, Ecole Centrale Supelec (Paris, France).